Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Open Mic for a blog... vlog.. ahem.

Did you notice? We have dusted off our blog! Have a post you'd like to see? We're thinking it would be fun to add a video blog (I'd call it a vlog, but that's gotta be just about the ugliest word I've heard all week). 
What would be helpful to see here? 

Blog post idea #3276: How to deal with practice frustration!

Blog post idea #6928: Alternative Instruments 101
Blog post idea #5972: What to wear for recitals

As you can see, we need more ideas! Comment here or email

Summer's Half Done (WHAT?!)

Here we are, rounding the bend toward fall already! This summer has already been pivotal for RCMA in several ways. We had two weeks of our largest camps ever, and they were also two of our most fun and encouraging weeks to date (see the previous post for some fun pictures and details). The other big accomplishment is that we have hired three fantastic new faculty members to replace teachers who after years with us are moving to Germany and California. The fall is really shaping up to be a great time for our students, and I’m looking forward to bringing together students and faculty in locations all over the Portland area.
Mahroo Hamedani, Piano & Keyboard
Lisbeth Dreier, Violin
Kyle Williams, Guitar

We have jusssst finished up re-packing all our camp supplies into bins, and the next task is to organize this crazy pile of instruments in my home teaching studio. Anybody want to rent a keyboard (please?!)?

Violins, Cello Chairs, Guitars- and after this picture we stacked our six keyboards in front!
We're gonna need a bigger boat.

We have revamped our registration form, and it should be much easier to download and print now. We are also always happy to attach one to an email for you- just let us know if you'd like more information.

Did you know we now have teachers available to teach in your home? I’m thrilled about this option and frankly plan to take advantage of it myself with my own two boys (how did we end up staring down the barrel of three different instruments and four lessons a week?). There is a $125 travel fee per 14-week term for this option.

With these new options and the success of the summer, I am really looking forward to building a musical community again this year!

I'd love to hear from students and friends: What musical fun did you have this summer? 

Summer Camp Debriefing

I’m thrilled to post about our summer camps this year, and to put up a few pictures of campers in their native environments. We had large numbers of kids and it was fun to see them form friendships with other students of varying ages. From the first day, when each kid was a little nervous, they began to work together in their classes and free times. By the end of the week the kids were plugged into several groups and moved freely between them through the day: some by age, some by instrument, some just by schedule, others by interests. Friendships formed around learning and expression are often that much sweeter, don’t you think?
Art Class: These gentlemen did finger knitting twice their own height!

Morning Break

Ms. Hamedani works with a camper.

Ms. Welsh teaching composition.

Instrument Making: Glockenspiels in the Sun

Outdoor Play on Catlin's gorgeous campus!

Each of the weeks ended with a recital and I can honestly say I was impressed with what they accomplished in such a short span of time. Our faculty struck a perfect balance of introducing enough content to inspire while rigorously teaching good habits and technique.
Young pianists perform in the Friday recital

From Advanced Chamber groups to Art and Instrument Making, the variety of activities through the day kept the kids engaged and excited.

Ms. Conrad coaches a chamber trio