Here's the text of our announcement email for this year's RCMA offerings. Valdine & Miriam have been working hard behind the scenes to create some new classes and a new location for our students and their community.
If you'd like to be added to our email list, just let us know:
Musically Yours,
Valdine, Miriam and the RCMA Faculty
New announcements:
Mittleman Jewish Community Center is our newest location!
New monthly weekend masterclasses added to our group class offerings!
New Group Voice Lesson Program for singers aged 6-12
Location schedule and Group Class schedule
Tuition details and deadlines
Important 2011-12 dates.
New to RCMA!!!
RCMA is proud to announce a NEW LOCATION!
Lessons will now be offered at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center near Multnomah Village!
Spots are available:
Violin on Tuesdays- private or shared lessons, Beginner Buds.
Voice on Tuesdays- group lessons for students aged 6-12 (30 minute and 60 minute classes now forming), private lessons for students aged 12 and up.
Piano on Tuesdays- private lessons
Guitar on Wednesdays- private or shared lessons, Beginner Buds
New Group Class option:
Monthly Weekend Masterclasses in all instruments! This is a great opportunity for students to perform a polished piece for a teacher (other than their own) while other students and parents observe. The teacher will work for approximately 10-15 minutes with the student on an aspect of their performance or instrumental technique. Exact weekend times and dates TBD based on interest, held at the Mittleman Community Center.
New Group Voice Lesson Program!
Our amazing voice teacher Angela Reiswig is expanding her voice program with RCMA! Students aged 6-12* now have the opportunity to work in small groups (4-6 students, grouped by age) for 30 minutes or 60 minutes a week. Young vocalists will explore their voices while develop a musical ear and growing their confidence in performing, building the foundation for more rigorous training when their voices mature. 10 week course of 30 minute lessons for $150 (ages 6-7) or 10 week course of hour sessions for $275 (ages 8-12)**.
*Students aged 12 and up may sign up for private or shared lessons.
**All voice programs include monthly masterclasses.
Locations for Lessons and Groups
Lessons: (* indicates Beginner Buds class available)
Violin Lessons: Tuesdays at FAIS* and MJCC*, Wednesdays at Catlin Gabel School*, Thursdays at Sylvan church*.
Cello Lessons: Tuesdays at FAIS (TBD)*, Wednesdays at Catlin Gabel School, Thursdays at Sylvan church.
Piano lessons: Tuesdays at MJCC, Thursdays at Sylvan church.
Guitar lessons: Tuesdays at PAES, Wednesdays at MJCC*, Thursdays at Sylvan church*.
Voice lessons: Tuesdays at MJCC*, Thursdays at Cedar Hills.
Group Class Option List for private & shared lessons students:
Violin Pre-Twinklers/Twinklers (non-Beginner Buds): Thursdays 4:00-4:30, Sylvan 301.
Violin Book 1-3, Suzuki Repertoire Play-in*: Thursdays 4:00-5:00 PM, Sylvan 201.
Cello Pre-Twinklers/age 3-4: Tuesdays 5:00-5:45 PM, Lake Oswego studio.
Cello Book 1 and up, Suzuki Repertoire Play-in*: Thursdays 6:15-7:15 PM, Sylvan 306.
Guitar Groupies: Thursdays 4:00-4:30 PM, Sylvan 305.
String Orchestra: Wednesdays 3:45-4:30 PM, Catlin Gabel School Choir Room.
Voice Group Lessons: Thursdays 4:00-5:00 PM & 6:00-7:00 PM Cedar Hills (217 and 26W); Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 PM at MJCC
Weekend Monthly Masterclasses: schedule TBA, based on sign-up and teacher availability.
*Attend portion of class relevant to your lesson review material. Class is about fine-tuning basic skills, reviewing polished pieces, and observing more advanced students. Come as early as you like, stay as late as you like!
2011-12 Tuition Details:
Private lessons (includes weekly lessons, weekly group classes or monthly masterclasses, and recitals)
Term payments on credit card will be assessed a 2% service fee. Monthly plan includes service charge.
~30 minute lessons: $525 per term, or $140 monthly installment plan (credit card only).
~45 minute lessons: $750 per term, or $200 monthly installment plan
~60 minute lessons: $1000 per term, or $270 monthy installment plan
Shared lessons (includes weekly lessons 2:1, weekly group classes or monthly masterclasses, and recitals)
~30 minute lessons: $300 per term
~45 minute lessons: $450 per term
Special Classes:
Beginner Buds: $125 per term
Voice Group Lessons: $150 (30 minute classes)/ $275 (hour classes)
July 1: $100 Deposit Due
Sept 1: 1st term tuition due, deposit frozen.
Sept 6: Late fee applied
Sept 6: Term 1 lessons begin
Sept 26: Group classes & Beg. Buds begin
Nov. 22~27: Thanksgiving, no lessons.
Dec 1: 2nd trimester payment due
Dec. 12~16: Teacher make-up week. End 1st trimester lessons & groups.
Dec 8: Sylvan Recital, 6:30 PM
Dec 10/11: Lewis & Clark Recital, TBA
Jan 3: 2nd term lessons & groups begin
Jan 16: MLK Jr. Day, no lessons
Feb 20: President’s Day, no lessons
March 19~23: Teacher make-up week
March 22: Sylvan Recital, 6:30 PM
March: other recitals TBA
March 26~30: Spring Break, no lessons
April 1: 2nd trimester tuition due
April 13: 2nd trimester ends
April 16: 3rd trimester begins
May 28: Memorial Day, no lessons
June 7: Sylvan Recital, 6:30 PM
June 9/10: Lewis & Clark Recital TBA
June 11: summer lessons begin*
*Regular lesson schedule until June 15th. Flex scheduling of five summer lessons with teacher from June 11~Sept 3, 2011.